Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6, 2012 Sarasota

After a morning bike ride/walk, we headed to Sarasota in the Westy. I wanted to visit Sunshine Auto in Sarasota, a recommended Westy garage, and see if they had a windshield washer pump as mine died somewhere in New York. As luck would have it they are able to do the job tomorrow and so we will return. It is only about 40 minutes from where we are staying in Venice.
Some old lady in the park

After visiting the garage we drove downtown, walked along the scenic waterfront park where we admired the many yachts in the harbour. We enjoyed shopping at Whole Foods, the world's largest retailer of natural and organic food, where there is everything two vegetarians could ever want.

This evening I accompanied my friend to a presentation on the Gregorian Chant, thinking that it was going to be singing. We were so disappointed to have to sit through an hour presentation and a poor presentation, at that. However, it did provide us with a few laughs as we critiqued this less than stellar lecture. All in all, we got our $5.00 worth.

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