Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3, 2013.


April 1, 2, 2013. Lots of States.

April 1: Maryland, New York, Connecticut. Spent two hours in traffic driving through Hartford. There were several accidents. Saw a fifth wheel split in half, with furniture, insulation, glass and aluminum all over the road.

April 2: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick. We made great time today and thought we would be staying in Maine for the night. After a quick stop at LL Bean and an even quicker one at the Duty Free, we landed at a friend's place in Rothesay for the night.

Today I witnessed what could have been nasty accident. A truck was coming up behind us, ready to pass, when suddenly began to slow down. A quick glance in my rear view mirror revealed the reason why: flames were shooting off one of the front wheels as it spun away from the truck. It looked like a ball of fire.

Home tomorrow.

We had such a great winter. Today's cold temperatures remind me that next winter we plan to head south earlier and stay longer.