Monday, February 13, 2012

February 12, 2012 Research and Landscaping

I have a good friend who is a talented writer. For her most recent novel, church research was required. To this end we accompanied her to the Faith Life Church in Sarasota, a congregation that believes in asking for and thanking their god for material things. Wealth and the accumulation of “things” are, they believe, what god wants for them. They vision what they want, write a list and then pray for their stuff. They testify about what they get. For example, a church person stands up and reads testimonials from those who have visioned and gotten what they wanted. These testimonials included a man thanking god for the Lexus he wanted and a two year old, visioning on and receiving from god, a new Barbie. The pastor reported that last week the offering was $100,000

A great brunch, a stop at an orange stand for orange ice cream and a trip to the landscape store to purchase patio stones completed our road trip. Yesterday we started a landscaping job and today we completed it. We took up sods, dug and pulled out bushes, leveled the earth (gray sand) and put down 93 patio stones. Since the day was somewhat cool, by Florida standards, it was a great day to work outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

landscaping you have your green card..he-hee