Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ocober 9 SS18 to Cirella

Today we drove a road very similar to the famous Amalfi Coast road, except without all the tour buses and tourist shops. The scenery along the SS18, which hugs both the Tyrrhenian Sea and the mountains is spectacular. Hidden coves, sandy beaches and majestic coastal cliffs are the only words I can find to describe the drive, except for slow, twisty and steep. I found myself pulling off to the side on several occassions to just marvel at the view and take some pictures. However, I doubt that a mere photograph can capture the beauty of this coast.

We found our camper stop and since it is on a beach, wasted no time in getting in the water and soaking up some rays. A long walk across the beach revealed some treasures....beach glass...we collected a small handful of mostly green and one orange.

During our beachcombing we met a German couple and struck up a conversation with them. They have traveled all over North America, New Zealand, Australia and Europe in a camper. What an interesting couple. Earlier in the day, they hiked up the hill which towers over the village and they told us about the 8th century BC Greek ruins that we could easily see from the beach. They said it was worth the 45 minute hike and so we changed into some hiking boots and headed up the hill. After watching the sunset from atop the ruins and taking several pictures, we hiked back down to a well deserved meal of fresh pasta.

Tomorrow we head for Sicily.

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