Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wednesday, October 23, 2014. Cambodia Bound

I find it difficult to sleep well during the night before an early morning flight. Irrational thoughts such as, "what if the alarm doesn't go off or what if I forget my passport" seem to crowd out a peaceful sleep. However, the alarm did go off, I do have my passport and all is well as we relax at the Toronto airport. If you have had to board a plane at Terminal 3 in Toronto you already know how nice it is with comfortable seating and about 1,000 iPad stations, all connected to the internet. 

As I look out the airplane porthole of Korean Air, Flight 740 I can see Lake Huron go by. The flight map says 12,000 km to our destination, which is Seoul. The flight attendants have provided everyone with earphones, water, a blanket, a pillow and a pair of slippers and so with any luck at all, I will soon have a nap. However, first there were drinks followed by  a meal. Of the three choices we both chose the traditional Koren meal of rice, vegetables and seaweed soup. After offering everyone more wine, then tea and coffee, we were asked to put  our blinds down and the lights were dimmed for nap time.

I find myself sneaking the blind up a bit as we are flying over Northern Canada and since it is a bright, clear day, there is much to see. Currently we are flying over Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories. It looks like we will see the Beaufort Sea and then cross the Bering Strait.

After a four hour rest period, the lights are back on, refreshing warm facecloths have been passed out and I see that we are 3236 miles from Soeul. We did cross the Bering Strait and as I look at the map now I see that we are flying over Siberia.
This photo is a look at Siberia from 32,000 feet.

As we approach Korea from northern China I see that we heading out towards the Yellow Sea to avoid North Korean air space. With less than an hour to go, we will soon be descending to the import at Incheon.

At the Incheon Airport we have a few hours to wait for our next flight and so we have been doing a lot of walking just to get the circulation going again after the 14 hour flight. I must say that Korean Air gives great service. The flight attendants were very attentive, keeping all 500 passengers fed and hydrated.

One more flight and we will be in Phnom Penh!

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