Friday, October 24, 2014

October 24, 2014. Phnom Penh, Day 1

We arrived at our hotel around midnight, 28 hours after we left home. All flights were great as were the waits at the airports. Our hotel, advertised as a boutique hotel, an oasis in the midst of the hectic pace in Phnom Penh is living up to its ad. We missed this morning's complimentary breakfast as we slept until noon.

We left the hotel around 1 pm and found lots of tuk tuk drivers on the street, eager for our business. Our hotel posts typical tuk tuk prices and so negotiating a $2.00 ride to the National Museum was easy. Riding in a tuk tuk is a great way to travel. Our driver, Juan easily negotiated the heavy traffic, weaving in and out of lanes and crossing what looked to me like perilous intersections with ease.


The National Museum entrance fee of $5.00 was well worth it. We examined and read about Cambodian history from pre history to early 20th century. We saw 6th century bronze works, 10 ft tall Buddhist statues as well as mammoth stone statues of ancient kings. 


Juan was waiting for us when we came out of the museum and for another $2.00 we headed for the Central Market in search of cool, wrap around pants. Although everyone wanted to sell us something, we learned how to say "no thank you" in Khmer and used it. We eventually found the pants, bargained for them and then enjoyed a fresh coconut drink. 

Since we hadn't yet eaten and it was around 4 pm, we got Juan to take us to Naturae, an organic restaurant. Before Juan left he gave us walking directions to our hotel and we booked him for tomorrow's excursion. We enjoyed a great meal and managed to walk back to our hotel, even crossing the street like locals.

Back at the hotel we changed into our bathing suits, enjoyed a swim in the pool and relaxed poolside in a canopied lounge.

So far, life is good in Phnom Penh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful! Let's see those "wrap-around pants" in a picture.