Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27, Phnom Penh, Day 4.

With another day of 41 degree temperatures forecast we were glad that we had booked a boat ride up the Mekong River to visit a silk farm and see some of rural life on the island of Koh Dah (Silk Island). Our tuk tuk driver dropped us off at the dock where our guide led us aboard the boat and happily informed us that we were the only ones booked for the trip. After leaving the dock she immediately served us drinks (we chose water) and a snack. She provided us with lots of information and answered our many questions as we made our way up the Mekong.

Phnom Penh is a city of stark contrasts and no where was it more in evidence than from the water. We motored by clusters of boat people; families who live in extreme poverty and try to eek out a living by fishing were dwarfed by an enormous, soon to open luxury hotel. Our guide told us the people living on the boats are Cham Muslims.


We also passed a very crowded ferry crossing the river and noticed where the ferry was heading to dock; a muddy looking dirt road sloping towards the water. There were lots of people there waiting to board.

Our young skipper stopped the vessel at a riverbank, put out a plank and along with our guide, we walked up the bank, through a grove of banana palms and ended up at a silk farm. We were greeted by the owner who showed us the entire process; from worm to silk scarf. Everything is done by hand and natural products such as flowers and tree bark are use to dye the thread. 


After being served fruit and water at the silk farm we boarded a horse drawn cart and enjoyed a very bumpy ride through the villages. Children seemed to pop out of nowhere to say "hello" to the foreigners riding on the back of a cart in the 41 degree heat. We stopped at a monastery; home to about 12 monks and the site of many large stupas which serve as crypts for the ashes of those who have died. 

A short walk took us back to the riverbank where we boarded our private vessel for the one hour trip back to the city. What a terrific day!


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