Saturday, February 9, 2013

February 8, 9, 2013. Tangerine Tree, Hair and Bikes

On Friday morning, before it got too hot, I tackled tangerine tree maintenance. This involved pruning, weeding, removing sod from around the tree and of course, enjoying the scent of the newly forming blossoms. I enjoy gardening and am glad that there are a few gardening chores to be done here. 

In preparation for dinner guests on Saturday evening we went shopping on Friday afternoon. Our last stop was the grocery store. As we approached the grocery store I noticed a sign that read, Haircuts, $4.99! Half jokingly, I said that I should go there since I needed a haircut. Before I knew it, the car was stopped in front of the Salon , I was out and the other two drove on to the grocery store. Fortunately the haircut was a good one (so I have been told) and $4.99 was the grand opening price.

This morning we put two bikes on Westy and one in Westy and drove to the community college in Sarasota to attend a bike maintenance workshop. We learned about tire changing, basic adjustments and routine maintenance. The instructor was a little scattered but I did learn a few things. I was particularly interested in how to prevent rust and how to take care of a chain. Some parts of mime (brake line, a few bolts) got a bit rusty from sitting on the bike rack on Westy in all kinds of weather. Also there is a lot of sand in Florida and it can play havoc with a chain. Fortunately, I had already done one thing right by applying good old WD-40 to the chain to remove the sandy grit. 

Dinner for seven of us was great. The carnivores ate steak while veggie burgers were on the menu for the vegetarians. Cake and ice cream for desert and a decaf cappuccino completed the day. Isn't Florida fun?

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