Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 6, 7, 2013. Shuffle and Golf

When my parents spent their winters in Florida I recall seeing a shuffleboard court at their condo complex. When I asked my dad about the game he said that it was just for old people and so when given the opportunity to try shuffleboard on Wednesday I couldn't help but think back to my father's comments. Dad was  wrong. If shuffleboard is just for old people, then I am old people.

The object of the game is to slide your discs, with a long stick called a cue, so that they land in a scoring area some 50 feet away. Players alternate sliding each of their 4 discs trying to hit opponent's discs out of the scoring area while keeping theirs in. It is kind of like curling.  

We played with some of the neighbours and thoroughly enjoyed the game. After shuffleboard we spent some time at the pool.  We plan to play again next Wednesday.

Wednesday is shuffleboard day, Thursday is golf day and so we played 18 holes at Bird Bay Golf Course. It was hot today and quite windy and so after the game we were exhausted. However, not too exhausted to go to Left Coast Seafood Company for dinner. The crab stuffed shrimp were almost as good as the coconut shrimp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shuffleboard...good practice..for curling...if you both like it enough; you can play here next winter..there are 3 or 4 curling clubs locally.
nah.... you might want to stick to shuffleboard...and not curl..but curling is now an Olympic event!...just say'n
looks like a nice park
be good