Monday, February 18, 2013

February 16, 17, 18. 2013.  Chilly, Concert, Birds and Bikes

It isn't always hot and sunny in Florida. Occasionally there are cold fronts that come through and the temperature drops. Sometimes it even rains. Any cold front that does make it this far is blamed on Canada of course, and the television forecasters seem to make a big deal out of the "cold" weather. However, it is all relative and cold to Floridians is certainly not cold to Nova Scotians. Going for a walk wearing jeans and a long sleeved t shirt is definitely no hardship for this snowbird.

On Saturday evening we braved the elements (tongue in cheek) and went to a Venice Symphony Concert. The guest piano soloist, Joyce Valentine received a standing ovation. Her fingers were a blur as she played a Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto. The remaining pieces were equally as good. A concert is that much better when the musicians are enjoying themselves and there was a lot of energy coming from the stage.

Every morning we go for a walk that takes us past a long, shallow pond where there are always birds hanging around, wading and foraging for food. I finally remembered to take my camera with me and captured a couple of my favorites: Sandhill Cranes and the Snowy Egrets. Both are common here as this park is a bird sanctuary. We have seen so many different birds and have wondered what they are and so we purchased A Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America. 

Today was an ideal day for a bike ride. We took a side street and ended up on an unpaved road that led us to farms where we saw goats, donkeys and horses. Apparently all of this area used to be farm country. 

I picked the remaining tangerines from the tree today and squeezed out some delicious juice. Fresh fruit is one of the great things about Florida.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds delightful..bird watching and the like seems so much more important now,than being on the work treadmill..well at least it got figured out slowly
Continue to enjoy those walks, bike rides,fresh juice...and your other exploits
I'm guessing baseball spring training is somewhere on that list
Be good!