Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aprl 27, Sequoia State Park to Midpines (Yosemite)

April 27, Sequoia State Park to Midpines (Yosemite National Park)

We paid our $20. 00 fee and entered Sequoia State Park at around 10:30. We could see snow on the mountains far in the distance but had no idea that before the end of our day in Sequoia we would be walking on that snow. The road through the park is a gradual climb to over 8000 feet. Most of the hiking trails were closed due to snow so since we didn't bring our snowshoes (although we did see one family with theirs) our hiking was limited to a walk up a snow covered trail to see General Sherman' sTree. This giant sequoia tree is estimated to be 2500 years old and has a circumference of 103 feet. In volume of total wood, this is the world's largest tree.

We drove through the Giant Forest, an area where all of the trees aspire to be as tall as General Sherman's Tree which stands at 275 feet. Standing at the base of one of those trees sure made me feel small. There were many scenic pull off sites along the drive and we took advantage of many to take pictures and just gaze at the spectacular views.

We programmed Richard (our GPS voice) to take us towards Yosemite and to a grocery store so that we could replenish our food supplies. We arrived at the Yosemite West/Mariposa KOA at around 6:30 and settled in for the night. Tomorrow we will visit Yosemite.

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