Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 20, Los Angeles to San Diego

Los Angeles to San Diego

We started calling The Ellen Show at 9 am in the hopes of getting tickets for today's show. Unfortunately we didn't get in, so we drowned our sorrows at McDonald's before leaving for San Diego.

Driving through Los Angeles is four lanes of traffic that seems to be never-ending. However, I guess that is to be expected of a city with a population of over three million people. Eventually we got to the Pacific Coast Highway and were able to drive at a more leisurely pace, even though it was still quite busy. Today's view consisted of beaches and more beaches. We stopped at Huntington Beach, walked on the beach and watched some surfers ride the waves.

We arrived at Santa Fe RV Resort in San Diego at around three. After spending the past three nights without power we were glad to plug in, charge the battery, the iPad, the camera battery and the phone. A load of laundry, a game of pool and dinner cooked in the van completed the day. Tomorrow we're going to the San Diego Zoo.

Sent from my iPad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Judi and Michelle!!! We woke up to ice on the trees this morning; fog is good. You've had a bizzy week; thanks for blogging.

Anna Mae