Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9, Football, Basketball, Yoga and Cookies

Saturday was another exciting day for Auburn Tigers football fans. They beat Missouri and will now take on Florida for the National title. Although I am not a football fan it was easy to get caught up in the excitement, especially at a football party where everyone was wearing Auburn colours and cheering on the team. 

Besides watching football, we have attended a couple of Auburn Tigers Women's basketball games. Admittance to the stadium is a mere $5. Besides good basketball, the entertainment provided by the band, mascot, cheer team, dancers and half time contests is worth the price of admission. The girls won both games which made the games even more fun to watch.   

YogaFly studio offers new students a great deal. For $12  each we get to attend as many yoga classes as we want for 12 days which is ideal for the length of our stay. We have taken in three classes so far and hope that yoga is compensating for all the party foods we have consumed.

Speaking of party foods, I went to another fun party with Jessica yesterday afternoon; a Christmas cookie decorating party. The hostess had the most festive decorations I have ever seen, along with lots of coloured frosting, easy applicators and yummy snacks. Since gingerbread cookie decorating is a family tradition it was reminiscent of fun times at the kitchen table in Bedford.


Anonymous said...

Anna and I watched snippits of the game to be with you in spirit
It was televised locally
keep enjoying yourselves

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got to play with gingerbread this season. :)
Anna Mae