Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31, 2013. A Day on Isla de Vieques.

After trying to get to Vieques by ferry last week and encountering an impossible, never ending line at the ticket counter we decided to take the 10 minute, $35 flight to get to the island. We boarded a 10 seater and after getting safety instructions from the pilot, the props were fired up and we taxied down the runway. What a fun flight. It was my first time traveling on such a small plane...so small that we were seated by weight. 

Vieques is most well known for its beaches. They are truly spectacular with soft white sand and crystal clear, warm water. Sun Bay Beach was almost deserted when we arrived, except for about 17 horses grazing in the field behind the beach. Nolan picked up a coconut that had fallen from one of the many palms lining the beach and was able to break it open so that we could enjoy the milk and the soft textured, sweet meat. 


After enjoying the water and lying in the sun, it was time to walk to the small town of Esperanza via the beach. Along the way we picked up a pocket fullmof beach glass. We settled on a small restaurant, enjoyed our piƱa coladas and waited and waited for our lunch orders to arrive. After waiting for well over an hour, two of us had to leave to catch plane back to Cieva and so were forced to cancel our order. The others were taking a later plane and got their food shortly after we left.

We were lucky to find a taxi within about 10 minutes. Back at the airport, we discovered a small open air cafe serving drinks and food. Since we hadn't eaten since breakfast we were ready to eat just about anything. Fortunately there were two local guys sitting near us. Seeing our dilemma as we perused the menu they quickly recommended the fried vegetable dumplings. We took their advice and were glad we did. 

We were again seated by weight on the flight back. After 10 minutes of spectacular scenery from the air, we landed in Cieva where Joanna was waiting to take us back to the condo. 

What a wonderful way to spend New Year's Eve.


Anonymous said...

Hi flyers...wish I was there, glad you were though to enjoy it.
The beaches and the people look spectacular.

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful island hopping adventures. :) Nobody was flying anywhere here yesterday, but today is bright and Louis is entranced watching the snow-frost flakes floating around out there in the -17 sunshine. And, watching for the wee squirrel that frequents the balcony.

Anna Mae

Anonymous said...

What wonderful accounts of your adventures you share. Many thaks, from someone who enjoys these lands vicariously.
See you, soon.