Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 22, 2013. Back in Alabama.

Although it was rather sad to be leaving sunny Florida, I am excited about spending some time in Alabama with my daughter and her husband. Our time in Florida was wonderful: hanging out with Janet, making new friends, golfing, the opera, symphony concerts, the circus, Spring Training ball games, biking, camping, hiking and of course, enjoying some great meals.

A cold front was moving through when we left Myakka State Park on Thursday morning but oddly enough the weather improved as we drove north. However, by the time we settled in for the night at a campsite in Perry the temperature started to drop. Needless to say, we were glad to have our great little heater.

We left Perry at around 9 this morning. Instead of taking the Interstate we have been sticking to the state highways. Most of them are double and divided. Today we drove the Florida/Georgia State Highway where there was very little truck traffic. In fact, for most of the day we seemed to have the highway to ourselves.

One of the highlights of today's drive was a stop at a pecan/peanut outdoor market. We bought a supply of nuts and even left with a large cup of hot, boiled peanuts. Once the guy found out that we were Canadians he wanted to have a conversation about our healthcare system. Many Americans seem to be conflicted about what they are calling "Obamacare" (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), a health care plan that among other things, aims to
decrease the number of uninsured Americans.

I haven't taken any pictures in the past few days, but I will post a couple from Tuesday's great day at Myakka with Janet and Bobby.

It is great to be back in Auburn.


Anonymous said...

Waah! Florida misses you! But the good thing about going away is that y'all can come back again, y'hear? See you north of the 49! -j

Anonymous said...

Mom said there was a start and finish to everything..not only has Florida been your away from home for a have met with friends,and explored many places within the Sunshine State.Sadness while leaving is likely hard but, is a natural feeling. Now you are fully rested and renewed to visit family in Alabama.
Bring some of that sunshine home..we could sure use it.
Continue to enjoy the journey