Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013. Time for a Blog Entry

We have been very busy since I last wrote....ball games, meeting up with friends, returning to Venice, camping at Oscar Shearer, biking and attending our second Venice Symphony Concert.

While in Palm Harbor we took in three Jays games. Not only did we have great seats, the Jays won each game. It was a different story when we took in a game against Baltimore in Sarasota. It seemed like the Jays had the game in the bag with 2 on, 2 out and a 3, 2 count. I heard one Orioles fan yell, "hit one out of the part" and that is exactly what that batter did. Exciting for Baltimore fans.

We spent a pleasant day in the Indian Rocks/John's Pass area where we met up with relatives for lunch, a stroll on the boardwalk and some window shopping. Although this meet up was planned, we were surprised and pleased to see friends from New Brunswick exiting the restaurant we were entering. It is a small world!

Back in Venice, we are booked to stay one week at Oscar Shearer State Park, one of the most popular state parks in Florida. Our site is on the bank of the South Creek and so we hear fish jumping and can wave to paddlers going by.

Yesterday we biked part of the Legacy Trail. We met our friend Bobby and decided to ride together. The highlight of that ride was stopping at a coffee shop on the Trail where we had the best ice cream ever. We were told that it is locally made by an Amish family.

We had plans to go out for dinner and to the Venice Symphony in the evening. Our good friend Janet kindly offered to pick us up. We had a great laugh when she arrived at the campsite with her Tassimo coffee maker. Needless to say, it was a very pleasant surprise and we had a delicious cup of coffee. Thanks Janet!

The Symphony concert was excellent, especially the cello concerto. Janet brought us back to our campsite where we sprung ahead our time pieces and fell asleep to the sound of fish jumping in the creek.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...Let's go Expo's...oops I mean lets go Blue Jay' to see you both having fun