Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 18, Oil Change and Chewalca Park

Early this morning, well, early for a retiree, I took Westy for a much needed oil change.  It seems like everything is close by here in Auburn, much closer than they appear on maps. At any rate,  after the oil change, a visit with the garage's dog and a homemade peanut butter cookie, courtesy of the garage, I drove the three blocks back home.

We decided to go Chewacla State Park for the afternoon.  Again, although it looked quite far away on the map, in less than ten minutes we were there. The Park attendant was quite taken with Westy and so we invited him aboard for a  tour of the van. He then pointed out some good hikes for us and Jackie (the dog) and so we drove to the top of the park and walked two trails, one to a picturesque waterfall and the other through a wooded area. Needless to say, Jackie was exhausted after our excursion and headed straight for her bed when we returned to the house.

A trip to the car wash and a cup of coffee at the Overalls Cafe in Opalika rounded out the day.

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