Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 25, 2015. Gator Bait, Concert and Landscaping.

There is never a dull moment around here, even the quiet moments are never dull. Mind you, the quiet moments are few and far between. However, last week, Janet was a little quiet about where she was going and why she was going there. Normally, when she jingles her car keys, I am ready to hop in. On this occasion I did join her but was instructed to stay in the car when we reached our destination. It was a few hours later when we were pleasantly surprised to be appointed official crew of her vessel, Gator Bait and presented with hats bearing the name in embroidered hot pink letters. I hope we can get out on the water this week so that I can wear my Gator Bait hat while paddling.

Two hours full of entertaining moments were spent at a concert Saturday in Sarasota. A wonderful soprano, Mary Wilson, sang with the Key Chorale, Chamber Chorus and orchestra. Billed as The Courts if Heaven and Earth, we were treated to music by Handel and Mozart. It was a great way to spend a chilly Florida afternoon. By chilly I mean around 18 degrees Celsius.

Today's moments included a landscaping project which we worked on a couple of years ago. We helped Janet expand her patio by lifting, placing, replacing, cleaning and finally lounging on the 30 lb. patio blocks. Doesn't the patio look great?


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