Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 4-6, 2014. Biking, Water Heater Anode and Fog.

We bike a lot the office to use the internet, to the washrooms, to the store and along the Pinellas Bike Trail which runs throughout the park and through to Tierra Verde. On Wednesday we biked about 30 kilometers and rewarded ourselves with a delicious "fish fry" late lunch at a restaurant in Tierra Verde, overlooking the water. We stopped at a boat rental place and made plans to take out a 17' speed boat before we leave here.

Getting hot water in the van was a problem we faced when we decided to try it. The water went in the tank, but immediately flowed out. After much research, it was determined that when the van was de winterized after I purchased it someone forgot to replace the anode. Fortunately, a RV repair place in Largo (about 20 minutes away) had the anode and were good enough to install it. It was easy and inexpensive. 

The fog has rolled in every evening, starting around 5 pm. Although it hasn't rained, there have been a few showers and more are predicted for tonight. 

Evening fog at Fort De Soto

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful vegetation...Thanks for these pic's bb