Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March 25 - April 1, 2015. Dunedin, Baseball and Stephen Foster.

Spending time in the Dunedin area so that we can take in some Blue Jays Spring Training games has been an annual event for the past four years. We stay at a great little RV Park in Palm Harbor which is reasonably priced and has all the amenities that we need and then some, including WiFi and a pool.

We took in three Jays games and enjoyed each one. Our seats were in the sun for about four innings and thankfully, we got shade for the rest of the game. It was fun to be sitting amongst a stadium full of Canadians all cheering for the Jays.


Aside from attending ball games, we got caught up on laundry, found a great ice cream parlor, ate some delicious seafood and played golf. I took advantage of the pool and got the "Precious"serviced and checked over before the long trek home. An oil change and tire rotation were all that were required.

I was curious about the Stephen Foster Culture Centre State Park and so booked a night at the campsite. The Park, near the banks of the Suwannee River, features a museum, craft village, cabins, gift shop and most notably a Carillion Tower which plays Stephen Foster tunes daily. I enjoyed listening to the 4 o'clock rendition of "Old Folks Back Home" better known as "Suwannee River" along with several other Foster compositions. I plan to visit the museum before we leave.

Tomorrow we will leave Florida and spend some time in Alabama before heading home. Friends at home have been saying that if we stay away until May, maybe by then, the snow will have melted.

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