Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 2 - April 11, 2015. Auburn, Alabama

Before leaving the Stephen Foster Cultural Centre on April 2, I wanted to visit the Stephen Foster Museum. It is not a large museum, but big enough to house some very old pianos, original music and words written by Stephen Foster and some unique dioramas depicting some of his best known songs.

The annual antique tracker show was taking place at the park and so we got to see some vintage machines before checking out of the park.                     

The drive to Auburn was uneventful, although we wanted to find the nut, fruit and vegetable stand we visited in Georgia on the way down in January. Fortunately, we did find it and I made sure to put an X on the map so that we wouldn't have wonder where it is next year. 

I know that I have written this many times before, but I must write again that Auburn is a great town. With Auburn University at its centre, this town has a safe, small town feel that also provides lots to do. University sports are big here, with football being the main attraction. However, there are other great sporting events too. This past week we attended a gymnastics meet, a softball game and a tennis match.

With bright sunshine and temperatures in the 80's the weather has been perfect for golf and for one of our favorite things to do in Auburn; taking Jackie for long walks in Kiesel Park. However, the very best thing about Auburn is that Jessica and Nolan are there. I did not want to leave this morning and found it rather difficult to say good bye.
We are currently overnighting at a KOA campground somewhere in North Carolina where at 8 pm the temperature is still in the 70's.


Anonymous said...

I was excited to read about the "tracker show", thinking you may have stumbled upon a lode of baroque tracker-action pipe organs...but alas, it was antique tractors. Perhaps they make similar sounds. :)
So long, it's been good to know ya, but it's time to be movin' along. Safe travels North. It will seem like the North Pole when you arrive though you'll stop when you're only halfway there...I will be just 2 weeks behind you (27th).

Anonymous said...

Safe and happy travels