Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 8, 2015. Egmont Key

For the past three years we have talked about taking the ferry to Egmont Key. Each time we went to the ferry dock it was either the wrong day or the ferry wasn't running for some other reason. But, today was our lucky day. We drove our bikes up to the dock and stood in line with about 30 others. The boat left the dock at 11 and ten minutes later we were walking down the ramp on one of the many beaches on Egmont Key.
The 74 degree temperature was perfect for exploring Egmont, a former fort complex surrounded by beautiful sandy beaches. The island is about 1 1/2 miles long and only 1/2 mile wide. Part of the island is a restricted wildlife sanctuary where birds and gopher tortoises nest. 

Strolling down one of the trails that led to sites of former barracks, we came upon a tortoise that seemed to pose for pictures. We crossed over to the other side of the island and walked the beach, examining some beautiful shells and watching various pleasure boats as well as ships making their way to the port of Tampa.

  After two hours of exploring we made our way back to the ferry for the ten minute ride back to the Fort DeSoto wharf. A two mile bike ride later and we were back at our campsite, having thoroughly enjoyed Egmont Key.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck this time and great adventure