Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 16 -18, 2015. Swing For The Cure

Last year we volunteered at a scleroderma fundraising event and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We looked into it again this year and realized that we would be camping too far away to make it. However, when Janet generously offered her driveway as a place to plug in for a couple of nights we took her up on the offer and so were able to volunteer at the 3rd annual Swing For The Cure at the Venetian Golf and River Club.

On the evening before the event we were treated to a delicious meal of barbecued salmon at Janet's. We also enjoyed the company, of course, as well as lots of laughs and catching up with Chris and Carl.

We arrived at the golf club at around 11:30 and met up with the other volunteers. We worked throughout the day at various tasks but also found time to socialize. Over $50,000 was raised at this event! What an amazingly generous community.      

Back at the Ranch; Venice Ranch that is, I enjoyed rooting through my goody bag and showing off the goodies I won at the raffle. Among my prizes were Baltimore Orioles Spring Training tickets, and coupons for auto detailing, an oil change and food.

Before leaving Venice on Tuesday Janet showed a piece that she created...a stone plaque commemorating the design and construction of her patio. 

If you are interested or even curious about the art of stone carving, visit where you will find some fascinating stones. My current favourite are The Sentinals. 

Our current camping spot is at Highlands Hammock State Park where we are going to stay for one week. The weather forecast says "record cold" for the next couple of days. However, we are planning on checking out some of the great bike and hiking trails here.


Anonymous said...

You guys are missing the most awful weather, I hope your driveway melts before you get back here. Billy says he will not willingly be spending another winter in Canada. :) I feel warmer just seeing pictures of you in the warmness.

Take care,
Anna Mae

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the plug, Judi.