Monday, March 16, 2015

March 8 - 17, 2015. Jonathan Dickinson State Park

If I had to choose a favourite among the state parks that we have visited so far this winter, it would have to be Jonathan Dickinson. The facilities are immaculate, all sites are level and there are lots of things to do and see, both in the park and nearby.

Just a few miles south is the city of Jupiter, which is the spring training home of both the Marlins and the Cardinals. We watched the Marlins beat the Washington Capitals by one run on a very hot Tuesday afternoon. We met some very nice people there who recommended a great place for fish and so we ate a delicious grouper dinner at The Food Shack, after the game.

We have biked a lot here. A ride down to the Kimbell Environmental Centre, where there is WIFI 24/7 is an eight mile return trip. We also biked a couple of the trails, both a combination of old pavement and off road conditions. A couple of times we were forced to push our bikes uphill through sand. Needless to say, that ride was quite a workout.

Canoe rentals are available at the concession and so we took advantage of a  guided paddle on the Loxahatchee River where we learned about the various creatures and plants that live near and in the river. Of particular interest was something we didn't capture digitally: a snake coming out of a woodpecker hole high up in a tree. I had no idea that snakes would climb that high, but the guide said that if there were eggs in that hole, that particular kind of snake would have no problem getting to them.

We saw more snakes, as well as gators, crocs, turtles, tortoises and other beasts at the Hobe Sound Nature Conservancy. We even got brave enough to touch a boa constrictor when its handler had it out to show some kids. The Conservancy trail system allowed us to walk to the beach where I promptly put my feet in the water. It was another brutally hot day.

A highlight of our time here was meeting up with two women we traveled with in Thailand. Lunch at the Key Lime Restaurant with Nancy and Mimi was such fun. It was wonderful to catch up with these two "wild women".

On our last day at Jonathan Dickinson we went horseback riding. After receiving steering and braking instructions we headed out for a one hour ride through the sandy scrub pine trail. Most of the time our horses walked, but a few times we got into a trot. Thankfully, my mare "Galaxy" was very obedient. 

Our next park will be Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park which is north of Lake Okeechobee and is out in the wilderness, so no WiFi for four days.

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